Wristbandfactory.com Creates Wristband in Honor of Michael Jackson
BENTON CITY, Washington, November 13, 2009
Wristbandfactory.com created the “R.I.P King of Pop” wristband in honor of Michael Jackson. This wristband is the first of Wristbandfactory.com Celebrity Wristbands. Wristbandfactory.com already has over 250 wristband designs, and the celebrity category will launch dozens of new designs.
Steve Hall, president of Rippedsheets.com, the parent of Wristbandfactory.com, said he has the Thriller album in his car and has been a fan of Michael Jackson. “We intend to make the Celebrity Category one of our largest on the Wristbandfactory.com website with varied wristband designs. We want our customers to have every opportunity to remember, praise and celebrate celebrities.” the company said.
Rippedsheets.com and Wristbandfactory.com, a division of Rippedsheets.com is located in Eastern Washington State: 888-791-9590
Wristbands Design. Reproduction, copying, or redistribution of Rippedsheets.com wristband design elements is strictly prohibited.
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